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Can Mangoes Make You Fat?

Can Mangoes Make You Fat?


  1. Mango is an energy food and provides sugar rush to the body
  2. It is a storehouse to Vitamin C that increases the immunity
  3. Eating mangoes after meals increases the overall calories intake
Summers are the bearer of the sweet aroma of memories of vacations, lazy afternoons and mangoes. This fruit is loved by all young or old but lately it has been infamous for its sugar content and is considered as a cause of weight gain so can mangoes really make us fat?
Saumya Shatakshi, Senior Nutritionist, Healthians, suggests the pros of eating mangoes and what to keep in mind:
  • Mango is not just pure indulgence but a powerhouse to various nutrients like it has vitamin A, iron, copper and potassium.
  • Mango is an energy food and provides sugar rush to the body which helps boost the energy levels of the body and keeps you active throughout the day.
  • It is a storehouse to Vitamin C that increases the immunity and it is also rich in dietary fibre content
  • Eating too much of mangoes can be harmful for health so maintaining the portion control is the key
  • A medium-sized mango has nearly 150 calories, eating anything beyond the permissible calorie limits results in weight gain. Hence, it is advised not to overeat.
  • Eating mangoes after meals increases the overall calories intake.
  • We should replace our mid-morning or evening snacks with mangoes. It helps one enjoy the king of fruits without worrying about piling calories.
  • Avoid having mangoes at night. It is preferable to have it during the first half of the day.
Celebrity nutritionist and dietician Nmami Agarwal suggests:
  • The number of calories that food carries tells you how much energy it provides. Excess calories are stored as fat, which is why over eating leads to weight gain.
  • Mangoes are inversely high on sugar, which generally is an enemy. This is because it causes insulin spikes and falls, which can leave you hungry and cause you to overeat.

(This story has not been edited by News Teles staff)

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